I wandered into Little Botany (Instagram @littlebotany) when I was just starting out collecting plants. It was nestled in a space at Riviera. Fendi was chatting animatedly with his team and what looked like customers/friends as I browsed the shelves. I liked his penchant for potting his plants in local-made pots which immediately gave them a different feel, making them mini-art by adding another dimension to the plants. I eventually properly met and talked with him after he launched his new place at Pearl’s Hill Terrace and he has since gone on to open a few more places/businesses. He shared how he started his journey, and how it’s going (well, but super busy from the time and effort his multiple stores need from him). I did not know he was behind Pasar Plant which sold affordable collector plants (I own quite a few now). Fendi exudes warmth and approachability, and his passion for plants really shines when he talks about them. I’m looking forward to visiting his new place at Plants & Pints.
Why do you love collecting and caring for plants?
I've always loved plants and it was an escape for me especially when I was younger. It helps me deal with my anxiety.
When and how did you start?
I started 12 years ago when I took in a plant that someone threw out.
Right now, I want to guide others and share with them how beautiful gardening can be for their mind and soul. I also want to learn as much as I can from the community as well. I am not focused on any particular species, I choose what speaks to me.
Fendi examines a rubber plant while making a visit to Little Botany at Pearl’s Hill Terrace.
How many plants do you have? What type of plants do you focus on?
I have over 300 plants.
Why did you pick this plant to be featured with you in your portrait? Is there a story behind it?
I picked the sansevieria guineensis 'beauty queen' as my love for sansevierias is endless. It's the first species of plants that really sparked my interest. They can be so beautiful and fuss-free at the same time. It's also the first type of plant we sold when we first started out.
I also decided to iunclude a quesnalia marmorata 'Tim plowman' as well as this was the first bromeliad I fell in love with as it is a reflection of my character. Whimsical, strange but also durable. Everything is potted in local pottery.
Fendi displaying his sansevieria guineensis 'beauty queen'. I did not know how myriad and varied sansevieria could be until getting to know Fendi.
Describe the most significant challenges in your plant journey?
A significant challenge in my plant journey is balancing a hobby and a business. The boundaries get blurred and it gets exhausting sometimes.
Photographer: DGT Portraits
Producer: Quinn Lum
Space: Studio 2020